Development board for ATXMEGA128A1U

I’m started developing a development board for the Atmel ATXMEGA128A1U for easier prototyping and access to testing the micro controller with different peripheral sensors, devices and ways of communication i.e. CAN-BUS interface, LCD interface, Temperature sensor, Buttons, LEDs, SD-card, Serial interface, BT BLE 4.0 module, SPI, I2C, USB, ADC, DAC, AREF, PDI and general I/O. First version of the PCB layout with the size of a credit card, hence the name of the board C-CARD) can be seen below.

Best M.

MLT C-CARD 0.001 Overview.

2018.08.23: PCBs have arrived. The quality seems to be good.

2018.09.06: PCB assembled.
2018.09.07: Micro-controller programmed with LCD Driver.